Directed by
Harry Tomlin
Hugo Esposti
Ed Swift

Edited by Harry Tomlin

Shot on MiniDV by Ed Swift

Music by Dutch Criminal Record

Dutch Criminal Record - Return To Dust (2021)

Co-Directed this nostalgia inspired music video for Dutch Criminal Record in their hometown of Chichester. We wanted to utalise the MiniDV format and create a performance video that felt like a home movie. The film was then interspersed with a group of friends laughing and having fun together, emphaising the summeray warmth of the song.

The video was very improvised on the day with myself, Ed and Hugo bouncing ideas with the band to get the coverage we needed. I then went away and crafted the video in the edit to create a harmony between both elements of the piece and find a narrative within the coverage.  |  07824713237